Curriculum Vitae

General Information

Full Name Wenyuan Zhao
Contact wyzhao [at] tamu [dot] edu
Research Interests Information Theory, Machine Learning, and Communication
Languages English, Chinese


  • 2023 -
    Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering
    Texas A&M University, TX
    • Major in Information Science and Learning Systems
    • Advised by Prof. Chao Tian
    • GPA 4.0/4.0
  • 2021 - 2023
    M.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering
    University of California San Diego, CA
    • Major in Communication Theory and Systems
    • Advised by Prof. Xinyu Zhang
  • 2017 - 2021
    B.E. in Information Engineering
    Southeast University, China
    • Major in Information Engineering
    • Advised by Prof. Cheng Zhang

Honors and Awards

  • 2020
    • Sun Qingyun Scholarship, Southeast University
  • 2019
    • 1st place in Mathematical Contest in Modeling (CUMCM)
    • Mitsubishi Electric Corporation Scholarship, Southeast University
  • 2018
    • Academic Records Scholarship, Southeast University


  • 2023 -
    Deep Gaussian Process Research Assistant
    Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
    • A sparse expansion for deep Gaussian processes (DGPs) as BNNs
    • Interpretability and uncertainty quantification on sparse DGPs
    • Software designs and tutorials
      • Python and PyTorch based sparse DGP package
      • Benchmarks on regression, classification, generative tasks
  • 2023 - 2024
    Coding for Privacy Research Assistant
    Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
    • Code construction for weakly private information retrieval (PIR)
    • Optimization for probability allocation of Weakly PIR code
    • Heterogeneity in servers trustfulness
      • Maximal leakage (Max-L) mutual information (MI) metric
      • Sophisticated analysis of underlying convex optimization
  • 2022 - 2023
    mmWave Networking Research Assistant
    Center of Wireless Communication, UC San Diego, CA
    • RL-driven method for dynammic mmWave mesh configuration
    • Bridging the Simulation-to-Reality gap in mmWave interference mapping
    • Simulation and testbed evaluation
      • A software-defined mmWave mesh network
      • A mmWave mesh testbed using MikroTik hardware
  • 2020 - 2021
    Massive MIMO Research Assistant
    Southeast University, Nanjing, China
    • Precoding algorithms for massive MIMO downlink
    • Complex-valued Gradient Neural Network (CVGNN) to solve complex matrices inversion
    • Theoretical convergence and computation overhead evaluation of CVGNN
  • 2019 - 2020
    mmWave Research Assistant
    Souteast University, Nanjing, China
    • mmWave beam alignment and tracking (BA/T) formulation with stochastic bandit learning
    • Greedy strategy and upper confidence bound (UCB) strategy for optimal beam searching

Academic Interests

  • Information Science and Learning Systems
    • Deep Gaussian Process as Neural Networks
    • Generative Model and Deep Learning
  • Communication Theory and Systems
    • Information and Coding Theory
    • Wireless Communication

CV (PDF version)