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  1. ISIT
    Weakly Private Information Retrieval from Heterogeneously Trusted Servers
    Wenyuan Zhao, Yu-Shin Huang, Ruida Zhou, and 1 more author
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.17940, 2024


  1. Thesis
    Machine Learning-based Matrix Optimization Algorithm in Massive MIMO
    Wenyuan Zhao
    Undergraduate Thesis Southeast University, 2021
  2. ICCDS
    A Survey on Fog Computing Applications in Internet of Vehicles
    Wenyuan Zhao
    International Conference on Computing and Data Science, 2021


  1. MCTE
    Classification of Customer Reviews on E-commerce Platforms Based on Naive Bayesian Algorithm and Support Vector Machine
    Wenyuan Zhao
    Journal of Physics Conference Series, 2020